October 9, 2024

Laura Richards
How has your career shifted from the impact of the 2020 pandemic?
My career actually shifted several years back. On April 14, 2018, hundreds of homes were damaged or destroyed on Kaua‘i and Hanalei Colony Resort was largely cut off from the rest of the island as historic flooding swept through the area. My team and I quickly transformed the resort into a multi-faceted emergency community center helping to evacuate stranded guests and assisting nearby residents grapple with the most basic day-to-day needs during many months of recovery efforts.
Every day we had to reset and do the job at hand—hospitality related or not. At various times we housed a medical team, veterinary service, food and water distribution and postal services. With only one lane open on Kuhio Highway, our resort shuttle was the only mode of transportation in and out of the community for local residents. Classes for 48 students were held at the resort and our high school seniors held their graduation in our restaurant. We accommodated the National Guard who manned highway checkpoints and a team from Samaritan’s Purse, a humanitarian organization, which helped with disaster relief. We opened a satellite City Hall so residents could obtain building permits and worked with election officials to set up a polling location. We maintained regular communication with staff who were laid off and served as the point of contact for our owners.
Over the course of eighteen months, we took care of our community and learned how to run a resort business when there was no resort business! All of those experiences were preparation for the unfortunate arrival of the pandemic. By that time, our team was really good at adjusting to the job at hand.
How do you manage stress and self-care?
My self-care routine faltered at the beginning of the pandemic and especially after losing my husband Tommy to COVID-19. Staying centered has been a challenge. To regain my focus, I now walk, swim, or hike daily. And, there are so few cars on our roads these days, I can safely ride my bike to the beach for the first time in years! Daily meditation and stopping several times a day to just breathe are essential to my renewed self-care routine.
Did you always want this career track?
I grew up studying ballet and always thought that I would be involved in dance for my entire life, but life events and injuries led me in a new direction. I studied and worked in hospitality briefly, but was drawn to pursue a vocation as lay midwife for thirteen years. The day I saw Hanalei Colony Resort, however, I knew I was up for the challenge of reuniting with the hospitality industry. For thirty-four years, I have met the most remarkable people from all around the world and worked with many outstanding hospitality, charitable, and local organizations. As a manager of a smaller resort, I have learned to be a “Jill of all trades” and to be hands-on in every aspect of the business. It’s never boring…always exciting.
What are the hardest lessons you’ve had to face in becoming a leading woman in power?
I don’t think of myself as a woman in power, but an empowered woman able to accomplish anything I set my mind to. Becoming empowered is a process. You must be open to opportunities and embrace all of the imperfect moments. It takes grace, intelligence and fearlessness. It also helps to have a tribe of women—mentors, colleagues and friends— who help guide you along the way. I’m thrilled to see so many amazing and inspirational women leaders today. Every morning I challenge myself to mirror their endless potential and possibilities.
If you could look into a crystal ball, what would you want to know about your future?
I am closer to retirement than most people in our business. And, in many ways, still processing the significant events that have taken place in my life over the past three years which makes it difficult to see the future.
What I can see now is less work and more family time playing with the grandkids. They keep me young! I also see me working on “me” and trying to answer many questions. Who am I without all the work each day? How do I want to give back to my community? How do I stay healthy for many years to come? So, I could certainly use a crystal ball to help me find these answers!