Hear from the Hawaii’s women of business!
What are some ways your relationship building and maintenance has changed from pre-pandemic to now? 2020 was a whirlwind and a...
What are some ways your relationship building and maintenance has changed from pre-pandemic to now? Relationship building is about connecting with...
As President and CEO of TLC PR, Teddi Anderson has helped build one of the state’s top communications firms, managing...
Describe yourself in 3 words. Resilient, Loyal, Passionate How has your career shifted from 2020 pandemic? In February of 2020, I took the...
How has your career shifted from the impact of the 2020 pandemic? Every single one of us has been impacted by...
Describe yourself in 3 words: Vision, purpose, flow. What is your favorite quality in a team member? Reliability/Stability. How has your career shifted...
How has your career shifted from 2020 pandemic? This has been a huge shift on so many levels! The shift to...
How has your career shifted from the impact of the 2020 pandemic? My work has taken on a new sense of...
Describe yourself in three words: Nimble: Creative; Resilient How has your career shifted from the impact of the 2020 pandemic? I went from...
How has your career shifted from the impact of the 2020 pandemic? My career actually shifted several years back. On April...
What is your favorite quality in a team member? Each team member always brings their own great perspective and style to...
Hear from the professionals about one of the largest employers of people worldwide, and all the ways tourism today is...
Describe yourself in 3 words: Dream: A slogan that we promoted for the school last year, “Behind Every Dream,” truly resonated...
Safety is a process, not an outcome to be achieved. Safety is doing the job the right way, safely. Tracy Lawson...
Beneath the dark cloud of COVID-19, the experience of exchanging vows is still so important,” says Mona Hirata, Owner of...